Did you know…
- Nearly 70% of California child support comes from employee wage withholding orders.
- Over 1.8 million California children receive child support assistance.
- Employers directly affect the well-being of California children by:
View Information regarding Employer Electronic Support Payments
Payment options for employers:
- Mail directly to:
CA State Disbursement Unit
PO Box 989067
West Sacramento, CA 95798-9067 - Pay online by logging into the State Disbursement Unit
(https://www.CASDU.com) by automatic withdrawal, credit card or check.
For additional information you may contact the Department of Child Support Services Employer Resource Center (https://dcss.ca.gov/employer-resource/) or contact us at (866) 901-3212.
FAQs for employers who receive multiple wage assignments
Sometimes an employer receives two or three wage assignments for one employee. Why?
Sometimes an older wage assignment may be from different counties; or a noncustodial parent may have more than one case and therefore require more than one wage assignment; or there may be more than one court order for a family.
In addition to the wage assignment for current support, sometimes employers receive a second order from another jurisdiction for arrears. Which assignment should be honored?
Pay current support first. An additional amount can be deducted for arrears if the total does not exceed 50 percent of the employee's NET wages - or 60 percent if authorized by the court.
If an employee has two or more wage assignments, and if the amount of the wage assignments exceeds the 50 (or 60) percent limit, the employer should send the number of withholdings that meet the 50 (or 60 percent) requirement and include a note with the payment explaining why the full amount of the wage assignment is not deducted.
Have a burning question you’d like to ask a child support expert? Send your questions to [email protected]
California's wage withholding process is now easier than ever!